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Episode 4: Leslie Walfish

Art Lives - 4- Leslie Walfish
Elizabeth DeLamater

Leslie is Director of Galleries and Curator at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, an art historian, and a photographer.

Leslie is Gallery Director of the Allen Priebe Gallery, and the Annex Gallery at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. She explained what a gallery director does, and how she helps to bring artists’ work to new audiences. Leslie also speaks about the value of art in our society and lives.

Leslie’s “Three Things:”


Leslie mentioned the incredible “passport” benefits that one can get from joining a museum or the American Alliance of museums. Explore these as well:

North American Reciprocal Museum Association

Association of Science and Technology Center Passport

Public library programs, such as the Miami-Dade Public Library Museum Pass


Title and transition music heard on this episode was composed by Nicholaus Meyers: Slightly Funky, performed by Ken Jimenez and Nicholaus Meyers, and End of Time performed by Elizabeth DeLamater.

Art Lives is available here and on ITunes.

Photo: Sabar drums on the roof of the Konate house, Guedaiwaye, Senegal

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